Membership to the Middlesex Law Association grants you access to our programming and library of resources and facilities that will enhance your practice.
Member Benefits
Member rates for MLA-CPD and partner organization programs
Annual locker rentals in our suite on the ground floor of the London Courthouse
After-hours access and borrowing privileges for our library
Reference assistance and no-fee research services
Special discounts with MLA member partners
Online receipt of our newsletter, The Snail
Email notices targeted to the needs of our members
Eligibility to use the security bypass lane at the courthouse entrance
Inclusion in our Members’ Directory
Association Benefits
Membership rates based upon practice: Regular, New Call/New Licensee, Retired, Parental Leave, etc.
Member discounts on MLA programs and events
Eligibility for security bypass at the courthouse entrance
After-hours access to MLA Practice Resource Centre
Membership with the Federation of Ontario Law Associations (FOLA)
CPD Programs
The MLA prides itself on its high quality and professional CPD programs. We organize a number of programs throughout the year in a variety of different practice areas and for different practice types with the goal of providing our members with relevant, interesting, and up-to-date learning opportunities while obtaining your accredited educational hours.
Current and Future Programs
Library Services
24/7 access to the MLA Practice Resource Centre and its library
Borrowing privileges from our circulating collection
WIFI within the MLA Suite
In-library access to:
Lexis Advance Quicklaw & Lexis Practical Guidance
Westlaw Canada
(LawSource, FamilySource, CriminalSource and Estates&TrustsSource) -
O’Brien’s Encyclopedia of Forms (selected modules)
vLex, including Vincent AI
Thomson Reuters ProView
Divorcemate (thanks to the MFLA)
rangefindr (Criminal sentencing ranges)
Printer/Copier/Scanner, binding machine, and cell phone charger
Reference and research assistance
No charge interlibrary loan service throughout the LiRN library system
Advocacy & Outreach
Advocacy on your behalf by the MLA Board with FOLA, LSO and other legal organizations
Support for London Lawyers Feed the Hungry as the MLA’s designated charity
Networking opportunities with members of the London legal community