Continuing Professional Development
The MLA prides itself on its high quality and professional CPD programs. We organize a number of programs throughout the year in a variety of different practice areas and for different practice types with the goal of providing our members with relevant, interesting, and up-to-date learning opportunities while obtaining your accredited educational hours.
CPD Notices
Real Estate Lunch & Learn
Civil Bench & Bar Meeting
Effective Dispute Resolution at Mediation
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please find the sponsorship package for our Summer/Fall Networking Socials held for various practice areas. If you would like to be a key Corporate or Association sponsor and create an opportunity to network with the Middlesex bar, please contact the Middlesex Law Association at
Continuing Professional Development (Full Day)
Please find the options available for sponsorship of our full-day CPDs.
Continuing Professional Development (Partial Day)
Please find the options available for sponsorship of our partial-day CPDs.
CPD Refund Policy
Please note that the MLA will refund the registration fee + HST if cancellation is received FIVE business days before the CPD program, unless noted otherwise in the program’s registration information.
CPD Questions/Comments?
CPD Program Questions/CommentsMissed a program? Need a few more hours?
The MLA partners with CPDonline to edit and/or record our programs and make them available to lawyers across the country. Whether you couldn’t attend one of our own programs or are looking for content that we do not offer, or need a few extra hours, CPDonline is a great resource that financially benefits the MLA through royalties, new subscriptions and subscription renewals.
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