Superior Court Daily Docket
View today’s court list, including the case name, time, room number and reason for the court appearance. The docket is often posted the day before if received by the court office prior to the end of our office hours. Otherwise, it will be available first thing in morning for that day’s docket. If the docket is amended, we upload the file on the morning of the day it covers.
How to Read the Docket:
Open Docket in Word. Click Enable Editing if yellow warning bar appears at top of window. Double-click on the PDF link that appears under each court listing on the main docket to get details about your matter and its scheduled time. You will need a PDF reader program to open the link: Get Adobe Reader
The Zoom connection details are on the main docket.
If it appears to be the docket for the wrong day, you may need to refresh the page or clear your cache and try downloading again.
Please contact the Superior Court office at 519-660-3000 if you have ANY questions about the docket. The MLA cannot answer any questions about access or content outside of what is provided above.
Download Today's Docket