
The Middlesex Law Association is a professional association of lawyers based in Middlesex County. Founded in 1879, we provide numerous support services for the local bar, including a legal reference library, professional development and networking opportunities, and social events.

Core Purposes

~ Providing information resources
~ Providing professional development
~ Providing professional networking
~ Advocating for lawyers’ interests
~ Providing a physical space for lawyers

The MLA is managed by a Board of Trustees, which consists of 15 members who are elected annually, and an Executive Director.

{Position Vacant}, Executive Director – please email admin@middlaw.on.ca in the interim

Meet the New 2024-2025 Board

Bylaws & Policies

We operate according to several by-laws and policies. These governing documents outline the expected roles and responsibilities of the MLA to its members.

Learn More

MLA Facilities

Located in the London Court House, our library, locker room, and lounge facilities are open to all MLA members 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Visit Us

London Lawyers Feed the Hungry

We are proud sponsors of the LLFH program in support of hunger relief in London. With over $25,000 raised annually, LLFH sponsors and volunteers are working to ensure London and Middlesex-area residents have access to meal or food programs in times of need.

Become a Member

Join over 900 MLA members throughout Middlesex County!

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